魏偏偏 WEI Pianpian
发布时间:2016-08-31   动态浏览次数:1118

  魏偏偏  青年副研究员

  WEI Pianpian Junior Research Fellow

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2007-2011 山东大学生物科学专业本科

2011-2016 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,硕博连读

2017-2022 复旦大学生命科学学院,博士后

2022至今 复旦大学文物与博物馆学系/科技考古研究院,青年副研究员

2014至今 南非金山大学(University of Witwatersrand)进化研究所,客座研究员



1. Panxin Du#, Kongyang Zhu#, Hui Qiao#, Jianlin Zhang, Hailiang Meng,   Zixiao Huang, Yao Yu, Shouhua Xie, Edward Allen, Jianxue Xiong, Baoshuai   Zhang, Xin Chang, Xiaoying Ren, Yiran Xu, Qi Zhou, Sheng Han, Li Jin*,   Pianpian Wei*, Chuan-Chao Wang*, Shaoqing Wen*.   Ancient genome of the Chinese Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou. Current   Biology, 2024, 34(7) :1587-1595. (SCI一区,通讯作者)

2. Lingling Dai#,   Shu Song, Bin Liu, Ye Zhao, Pianpian Wei*. Tracing the   domestication dynamics of Sus scrofa populations during the liangzhu   culture periods : Insights from molar morphology analysis. Journal of   Archaeological Science : Reports, 2024, 59 :104777.AHCI,唯一通讯作者)

3. Pianpian Wei, Marine   Cazenave, Yuhao Zhao*, Song Xing. Structural properties of the Late   Pleistocene Liujiang femoral diaphyses from southern China. Journal of Human   Evolution, 2023, 183:103424. SSCI一区,第一作者)

4. Pianpian Wei*, Shiwu Ma, Kristian J. Carlson*,   Xueping Ji, Quanchao Zhang, Wu Liu, Li Jin.A structural   reassessment of the Late Pleistocene femur from Maludong, southwestern China.   American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 2022, 178(4):655-666. SSCI一区,第一和通讯作者)

5. Yuhao Zhao, Pianpian Wei*,Xionglong   Zhang, Hongliang Lu, Kunyu He, Haibing Yuan, Song Xing. Structural properties   of humeral diaphyses of East Asian modern humans from the Late Pleistocene to   Early Holocene. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 2022,   178(3) :461-475. SSCI一区,唯一通讯作者)

6. Pianpian Wei, Zekun Weng*,   Kristian J. Carlson*, Bo Cao, Li Jin, Wu Liu. Late Pleistocene   partial femora from Maomaodong, southwestern China. Journal of Human   Evolution, 2021, 155:102977. SSCI一区,第一作者)

7. Pianpian Wei, Yuhao Zhao*,   Christopher S. Walker, Jianing He, Xiaoyu Lu, Jiaming Hui, Wuyang Shui*,   Li Jin*, Wu Liu. Internal structural properties of the humeral   diaphyses in an early modern human from Tianyuan Cave, China. Quaternary   International, 2021, 591:107-118. SCI,第一作者)

8. Pianpian Wei*, Hongliang Lu*,   Kristian J.Carlson, Handong Zhang, Jiaming Hui, Mei Zhu, Kunyu He, Tea   Jashashvili, Xinglong Zhang, Haibing Yuan*, Song Xing. The upper   limb skeleton and behavioral lateralization of modern humans from Zhaoguo Cave, southwestern China. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2020, 173:671-696.   SSCI一区,第一和通讯作者)

9. Pianpian Wei*, Ian Wallace, Tea Jashashvili,   Charles Musiba, Wu Liu.   Structural   Analysis of the Femoral Diaphysis of An Early Modern Human from Tianyuan   Cave, China. Quaternary International, 2017, 434:48-56. SCI,第一和通讯作者)

10.魏偏偏*. 三维虚拟技术与古代历史研究. 学术月刊,2022,   54(640):192-200. CSSCI,第一和通讯作者)

11.魏偏偏*, 张全超. 内蒙古和林格尔土城子农业人群与林西井沟子游牧人群股骨中部的生物力学对比. 人类学学报, 2022, 41 (2) :238-247.CSSCI,第一和通讯作者)

12.魏偏偏*. 三维虚拟技术与古代历史研究. 学术月刊,   2022, 640(54) :192-200.CSSCI,第一和通讯作者)

13.魏偏偏*, 赵昱浩,何嘉宁. 辽宁建平古人类肱骨形态结构分析. 人类学学报, 2021, 40 (6) :943-954. CSSCI,第一和通讯作者)

14.魏偏偏*. 云南丽江古人类股骨的形态结构. 人类学学报, 2020, 39(4) :616-631. CSSCI,第一和通讯作者)

15.魏偏偏*, 张全超, 邢松, 张群, 孙志超. 内蒙古和林格尔县土城子遗址人群两侧股骨断面形态的不对称性. 解剖学杂志, 2015,   38(3):333-336. (中文核心,第一和通讯作者)

16.魏偏偏*, 邢松. 人类股骨断面面积与形状的不对称性-基于三维激光扫描的形态测量分析. 人类学学报, 2013, 32(3):354-364. CSSCI,第一和通讯作者)

17. Wuyang Shui*Pianpian Wei, Xia Zheng, Shengling Geng. A Landmark-free Approach for   Surface Asymmetry Detection and Profile Drawings from Bilaterally Symmetrical   Geometry. ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage, 2023,   16(2) :34.

18. Yiran Xu, Pengfei Sheng*, Jianxue Xiong, Hailiang Meng, Pianpian Wei, Chang Sun, Hanqing Jiam Jianye Liu, Yong Tian, Fan   Sun, Shaoqing Wen. Migration in Bronze Age southern China: multidisciplinary investigations   of elite Chu burials in Jingzhou. Antiquity, 2022, DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2022.13.

19. Haijun Li, Mi Zhou, Yuhao Zhao*, Xiaoyong Xiao, Hailong Zhang, Pianpian Wei, Song Xing. Impact   of subsistence patterns on the overall confguration   of bending rigidity along humeral diaphyses in modern humans. Archaeological   and Anthropological Sciences, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-022-01543-0.

20.文少卿*, 于建军, 魏偏偏, 李悦, 熊建雪, 孙畅, 杜盼新, 丁一, 蒙海亮. 新疆阿勒泰地区依希根墓地出土马骨的分析考古学研究. 西域研究, 2021, https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/65.1121.c.20210611.1344.002.html.

21. Yuhao Zhao, Mi   Zhou, Haijun Li, Jianing He, Pianpian   Wei, Song Xing*. Biomechanical Evaluation on the Bilateral   Asymmetry of Complete Humeral Diaphysis in Chinese Archaeological Populations.Symmetry, 2021, 13, 1843.

22.李紫君, 魏偏偏, 孙畅, 文少卿, 谭婧泽*. 汉族鼻部观察类形态特征的地区性差异. 解剖学报, 2020, 51(4) :605-612.

23.殷杏,魏偏偏, 孙畅, 文少卿, 万雪娇, 谭婧泽*. 个体数据分析揭示汉族头面部测量特征的南北差异. 解剖学杂志, 2020, 43(4) :313-321.

24.赵昱浩, 周蜜, 魏偏偏, 邢松*. 肱骨骨干骨密质厚度的二维可视化及其定量分析. 人类学学报, 2020, 39(4) :632-647.

25. Jiaming Hui*,   Wu Liu, Kristian J.Carlson, Pianpian   Wei. Variation in the intertrochanteric line in a modern human population   from southwestern China (19th–20th centuries). Anthropological Science, 2020,   128(2) :47-55.

26. Songmei Hu,   Yaowu Hu*, Junkai Yang, Miaomiao Yang, Pianpian Wei, Yemao Hou, Fiona B. Marshall*. From   pack animals to polo: donkeys from the ninth-century Tang tomb of an elite   lady in Xi’an, China. Antiquity, 2020, 94(374) :455-472.

27. Song Xing*,   Kristian J. Carlson*, Pianpian   Wei, Jianing He, Wu Liu. Morphology and structure of Homo erectus humeri from Zhoukoudian, Locality 1. PeerJ, 2018, 6:e4279.

28. Wu Liu*,   María Martinón-Torres*, Yousuke Kaifu, Xiujie Wu, Reiko T. Kono,   Chun-Hsiang Chang, Pianpian Wei,   Song Xing, Wanbo Huang, José María Bermúdez de Castro. A mandible from the   Middle Pleistocene site of Hexian and its significance in relation to the   variability of Asian H.erectus. American   Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2017, 162(4):715-731.

29.Damiano Marchi*,   Christopher S. Walker, Pianpian Wei,   Trenton W. Holliday, Steven E. Churchill, Lee R. Berger, Jeremy M. DeSilva.   The thigh and Leg of Homo naledi. Journal   of Human Evolution, 2017, 104:174-204.

30.张亚盟*, 魏偏偏, 吴秀杰. 现代人头骨断面轮廓的性别鉴定-基于几何形态测量的研究. 人类学学报, 2016,   35(2):172-180.

31.Song Xing*,   Debbie Guatelli-Steinberg*, Mackie O’Hara, Jingshu Li, Pianpian Wei, Wu Liu, Xiujie Wu.   Micro-CT Imaging and Analysis of Enamel Defects on the Early Late Pleistocene   Xujiayao Juvenile. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2016, 26(6):935-946   

32.Damiano Marchi*,   Christopher S. Walker, Pianpian Wei,   Trenton W. Holliday, Steven E. Churchill, Lee R. Berger, Jeremy M. DeSilva.   Thigh and Leg Remains of Homo naledi.   Conference: 85th American Association of Physical Anthropology Annual Meeting   American Journal of Anthropology, 2016, 159(S62). DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22955.

33.Lee R. Berger*,   John Hawks, Darryl J de Ruiter, Steven E Churchill, Peter Schmid, Lucas K   Delezene, Tracy L Kivell, Heather M Garvin, Scott A Williams, Jeremy M   DeSilva, Matthew M Skinner, Charles M Musiba, Noel Cameron, Trenton W   Holliday, William Harcourt-Smith, Rebecca R Ackermann, Markus Bastir, Barry   Bogin, Debra Bolter, Juliet Brophy, Zachary D Cofran, Kimberly A Congdon,   Andrew S Deane, Mana Dembo, Michelle Drapeau, Marina C Elliot, Elen M   Feuerriegel, Daniel Garcia-Martinez, David J Green, Alia Gurtov, Joel D   Irish, Ashley Kruger, Myra F Laird, Damiano Marchi, Marc R Meyer, Shahed   Nalla, Enqueye W Negash, Caley M Orr, Davorka Radovcic, Lauren Schroeder,   Jill E Scott, Zachary Throckmorton, Matthew W Tocheri, Caroline VanSickle,   Christopher S Walker, Pianpian Wei,   Bernhard Zipfel. Homo naledi, A New   Species of the Genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa. 2015,   eLife 4:e09560.



1. 202481日至4日受邀赴甘肃省兰州市参加‘文献与田野:丝路中国的历史与社会’学术研讨会,并作报告。

2. 2023915日至18日受邀赴甘肃省敦煌市参加“敦煌与丝路文明国际学术研讨会”,并作题为《张掖甘州黑水国汉代墓葬人骨考古学研究》报告。

3. 2023822日至24日受邀赴内蒙古通辽市参加“第四届中国人类骨骼考古专业委员会年会”,并作题为《东亚地区更新世古人类肢骨的演化》报告。

4. 2023717日至20日受邀赴安徽省黄山市参加“区域·族群·国家:历史人类学的中国经验与理论探讨”学术研讨会,并作报告。

5. 202355日至7日受邀赴湖北省武汉市参加“第八届青年地学论坛”,并作题为《东亚地区更新世古人类股骨的演化》报告。

6. 2022821日至25日受邀赴江西省南昌市参加“区域·族群·国家:新文科时代的历史人类学”学术研讨会,并作题为《三维虚拟分析与古代历史研究》的报告。

7. 2021716日至18日受邀赴山东省青岛市参加“华南地区现代人起源与演化”国际学术研讨会,并作题为《Humeral diaphyseal inner morphologies of East Asia modern humans from Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene》的报告;

8. 2019122日至4日受邀赴北京市参加“纪念北京猿人第1头盖骨发现90周年国际古人类学术研讨会”,并作题为《Structural Properties of the Human Femoral Diaphysis during Late Pleistocene in East Asia》的报告;

9. 201996日至9日受邀赴山东省青岛市参加“中国考古学会人类骨骼考古专业委员会第三届年会”,并作题为《周口店田园洞古人类肱骨骨密质厚度分析》的报告;

10.20198月受邀赴瑞典斯德哥尔摩参加“Analytical Methods & Spectroscopy Symposium on Archaeology & Cultural Heritage”,并作题为《Study on dental morphology in acient Yanghai population from Xinjiang, China》的海报;





2. 第五届发现中国李济考古奖学金——学术奖”(2016年);


4. 南非古生物科学奖学金“Palaeontological Scientific Trust ”PAST)(2014年)



1. 2017.06-2022.03,第61批中国博士后科学基金面上资助——周口店田园洞古人类肱骨形态功能分析,主持。

2. 2019.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目——中国更新世晚期古人类肢骨形态功能分析,主持。

3. 2024.01-2026.12,国家社会科学基金青年项目——中国旧石器晚期至新石器早期先民肢骨表型变化的生计模式促发机制研究,主持。

4. 2017.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目——现代人在中国出现与扩散的化石证据,参与。

5. 2017.01-2019.12,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目——中国南方直立人颅骨形态的变异研究,参与。

6. 2018.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目——汉族体质特征的南北差异及其形成的遗传机制,参与。